9:14 AM
Its really amazing how time flies in an instant like that. It happens especially so in army when you go outfield for four days and then at the end of it you know your week is almost up. Just like that 2 years of our lives serving the nation will pass by like that. Ever thought what it would be like for a normal civilian like yourselves? indulging in everyday stuff and routine- waking up, going to the school or to work, studying/working, then back to home and yet not knowing when the precious moment to seize or to grab will pass you by cause commoners like us are always complaining how long it is for the week to pass but if you stop to think and seat down and observe life, you'll find alot more to appreciate. so take a break and have a kit kat. start showing a little more love to the ppl around you. Ask them out, ask abt their days and how they are coping. a little smile can do wonders.=)
Praise the Lord!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
2:40 PM
okay nothing much happened during the week. i was outfield. i brought back loads of clothes. i had to do the washing twice. and i got heat rash. pretty much sums up everything la. haha. another 4 days outfield next week before i head for my holiday in australia! On holiday.....
Dear Lord i pray for those having exams right now in that your wisdom and knowledge be with them and i pray for them to remember everything they studied and thus helping them get through this difficult time. Lord i also would like to pray for people who are falling or have fallen sick to recover as soon as possible and be on their way again. In Jesus name i pray, Amen! =)
Friday, November 16, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
3:56 PM
an eventful week an eventful weekend. First up there was cycling at ubin with jo, huaymin, huini, del and dan whereby we travelled all the way to chek jawa. Not a bad place to escape to if you're finding peace and serenity. Then after that we went to watch THE GAME PLAN at marina square. Its not a bad movie and i would recommend watching. inspiration and touching.
Del asked me to publish this. This was the conversation between me and him at Carl's juniors
Del: " you yao bei ma le" (because so happen i always scold him each time he gives an idea)
Me: "don't be so negative can"
Del: *shakes head*
Then they continued talking. Until i interrupted....
Me: Delvin, Delvin, ( with a piec of french fry in my hand)
Del: what?
Me: you bring joy to me.
Del: *looks at me with a flabbergasted face*
and so the scene of me feeding him continued until he said i think u scold me better. okay internal joke.
Anyways he really lost alot of weight as he embarks on his NS life. I hope you'll become fitter! look to ur 12/12!!!
Hope deferred makes the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12
always believe in what you want and you'll achieve it. =)
Lucks to those taking exams and still in the webs of studying.
Oh ya before i forgot to write. If those of you who has free time please go and take a look at connie talbot. She's the sweetest voice i ever hear and to think she's only 6 freaking years of age!!! take a look its on youtube! i still tear everytime i watch her video though i already watched it 3 times? haha
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
11:51 AM
okay time for a proper update. Haven't been at home for the past week due to me having to conduct lessons for my trainees. Mentally and physically draining man. Scolding them and cracking your brains to come up with creative punishments just to keep them on their toes. I tell you i finally understand how a teacher's life is. Its the same lest the green clothing u put over and the regimentation. but then again what more can be said when you see them graduate and take on responsibilities in life. nothing will beat that.
Anyhows i had a great 20th last weekend. I met up with yy, jo, daniel, huaymin and huini for lunch at the BOTAN restaurant at far east square. Its NEAR TO CHINATOWN and TANJONG PAGAR that's why we were ABLE to walk from the purple line to the green line! haha. but anyhows good jap food and cheap. spent abt 20 per person. so a good recommendation! Got a wallet from them from Braun and Bruffels. Its also time i had a change in wallet la. but heys THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL TIME!
My hamstring's still not yet fully recovered yet but i want to run! its been sometime since i last did a long distance run already! sembawang beach anyone?!?!?!?!?!
Each time i am embraced by you i feel peaceful.=)
Labels: 20th, oktoberfest
Sunday, November 04, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.