gotten my posting and i'm actually very happy with it but i somehow feel for my other platoon mates.they've gotten a vocation which some of them don't quite like it while some do but on the whole i have to agree that the system is screwed.oh wells that's life i guess.have been trying to refocus myself to army life again after that one week break which is refreshing yet somehow i miss the army life cos without army i'll be getting fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha.Reporting's on monday!wish me luck!
She said something to me about wat she was told and i had to control my emotions to console her.I can't see her breaking down infront of me and i can't bear to see her in a tulmultous state cos of some ppl but yet i can't do anything due to the army commitments i have and some other stuff.I do hope we can continue and hopefully a solution can be worked out.right now i can't bear to think of other things cos if not i'll fail in army and i do not want that.I'm sorry i can;t be there with you when u're suffering but i'm there with u not only in soul bt in heart.DO hang in there and perservere ok?for now i think i'm logging out!ciaoz!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
We can work things out.
The euphoria of POP has or is starting to die down so its time to get back to business and time to refocus for my new unit.Hope i'll get into OCS.fingers crossed posting results on friday.Anyways decided to post a picture of my botak head since ms mei jieying asked me to post.I'll be honoured to do it.haha.Nth much has been goin on since i began my block leave and i miss my platoon mates!Its like we spent the past two months goin thru hell and all those route marches tgt yet we'll definitely get posted to different units.Wonder if we'll ever meet up again.sighs.Got my first two gundam models and completed the mastergrade version.I'm goin to start a collection and hopefully next time i can sell it for millions.haha.aren't i dreaming, but i think its possible.
There my botak head!
had a dinner function today and i had to accompany my dad or he'll feel damn awkward answering all those qns on why aren't they here and stuff.Sometimes i feel sorry for him and that's the reason why i went.My sisters don't go or don't bother to let alone my mum cos we didn't really have a good exp with the Siows thus the animosity.i dunno whether i shld feel glad or happy or wat when he said Thanks for coming with me just now.It just didn't sink in until much much later.sighs.......needa go rest.tmr tennis with peewee!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
We can work things out.
Two months of BMT ended yesterday as i had my graduation parade and took loads of photos!It didn't really struck me until a few moments after the whole thing ended cos i tot it was still a freaking rehearsal.haha.Seeing those empty bunks and thinking back on those times we got punished and got through it together really made me feel sad.Its like as if yesterday i got just enlisted and i POPed today.We started out as chao recruits and now tgt as one we are PRIVATES.I'll definitely remember those times when we got punished and those times when we laughed our hearts out, it was certainly fun being with u guys.Do take care and i wish u all the best in wherever u go.They say the best times of ur mililtary life are in Tekong and i wholeheartedly support that, so to guys who are goin in, pls do enjoy ur bmtc life cos u'll neva find another place of bonding again.Here come the tough times!

The SunSet as i was walking out of Tekong for the last time.Don't u think it just fits the picture?

My platoon mates with my COMPANY SERGEANT MAJOR

Platoon mates with my PC and my sect com

Section mates with my section commander and my PC

my DAd and my lovable Sis

My buddy throughout my 9 weeks in BMT!

getting ready to throw our caps!

my sister!

Dad and I..Don't we look alike?hahahaha

can u spot me?
Thursday, June 08, 2006
We can work things out.
three more days to POP and to becoming a private.After those gruelling route marches, field camps, sit test, live range live grenade throwing, i believe i have grown stronger both physically and mentally.My pull ups have increased since i went in.Compared to lasst time when i was struggling with 4 or 5 i can do 6 easily now or maybe 8 depends on my technique.Well army really teaches u how to cherish those around you and those not around you.right now i'm on sick leave which i hardly take throughout my 9 weeks in tekong.( to date its the first mc) my body has finally broken down after pushing myself for quite some time.I'm pretty pleased with my performance at least that's the bare minimum i expect of myself.
Many predicted that we will not bond cos we did not have the two weeks confinement period but i beg to differ after that gruelling week in which i had a stand by FBO and a stand by area and a stand by bed after all the BCCTs the SOCs and the arms drill, i can tell u my platoon has grown, matured and has stuck tgt in times of difficulties.These are the guys that will stick with u throughout and i am definitely goin to miss tenure in BMTC is goin to end and i'm already missing it.Tougher times are to be expected when i get posted to units and hopefully i'll get into command school.I want to be challenged and excel and lead and take my mental and physical state up another level!
Block leave's coming up and i do hope that i don't have to do a re-24km route march if not i'll be damn sianz.Fancy going back to tekong when u've already passed out and march around the school 12 times in ur FBO attire.Its killing me softly man.haha.Army life though its quite fun but i do miss my darlinks and my outside life but its an obligation i have to fulfill.miss a couple of darlinks bday celebrations and base on what yikying wrote i bet they had loads of fun.anyways Happy bday to DELVIN DANIEL AND PEIZHI! Cheerios!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
We can work things out.