10:30 PM
It really is an eventful month or so since i've started work at hwi yoh CC and i must say that it really opened up my eyes to things that can happen in the service sector.There can be loads of difficult customers to handle and we must have the right attitude in approaching the situation.By being at the cc i've managed to gain valuable experienced and change the way i look at things.I'll definitely miss everyone there from MS Pauline, Jimmy, Aunty Jacee, Ms Tan, Ms Phua,Mdm Ong, and colleagues who worked with me before.( Jia wei, Nurul, Kai li and those other temp staff)Thanks for all the treats and the jokes for if without them i believe my working experience would be a very dull one.To pei er and the rest of the sups, It has been fun working with the three of you.Do keep in contact and let's meet up for tea someday!haha.Thanks everyone!
2 more days before i have to shave my head bald and start saying YES SIR NO SIR and having to listen to commands like "DROP 20!".hahaha.that's all and till i come back PLS TAG ME!hahahaha
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.