10:50 AM

Friday, March 24, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
12:26 PM
You said that you'll only want companionship and not anything else but i beg to differ.Pretty soon it'll be a case of getting upset and feeling depressed all over again.I seriously am very tired of how the both of you are treating each other.I've already stated my view and i hope for a positive response from the both of you.
Army's coming and i actually want it to come earlier so that i can concentrate on training instead of filling my head with lots of sadness.You guys might say i'm a vacillated person and that i have a soft heart but what's the point of keeping me as a true friend when i'm always the last to get notified and if i dun state my point i dun think u'll ever tell me so what's the point may i ask?Can't you just acquiesce without giving bullshit like 'Its hard to express', 'you won't understand one', 'its a long story' and other bullness.If u dun tell me how would i be able to grasp what's troubling you and even understand it?If you dun update me then who will?So pls stop saying that my 'computer's lagging' and other nonsense.I've had enough of it.The reason why i'm keeping quiet is because i'm an easy going person but if you push me over my limit i promise you i won't be nice.
Went running around my estate yesterday and it was a welcome relief for me.I think i should do that more often to escape the clutches of the sad thoughts?Nah i'm not a quitter!haha.Rubbish?i think so too.partys coming up to mark the end of my civilian life(ffor the time being) and the start of my two year army life and i hope i wuld be able to attend both(my aunts and the darlinks)cos both mean alot to me.anyways work has been pretty much the same except that i'm getting treated.On sat while walking back from my dinner break i saw a person throwing a pouch out of a moving car or so i tot that was how it was.Initially i tot it was a tyre and i wanted to do the public a good deed by pushing it to the side, but upon closer inspection i saw that it was a pouch and i actually tot that could be a bomb.haha.But with that thought in my head i still proceeded to picked it up.hahaha.Funny man.Wat if it was actually a bomb?haha.Wouldn't i be dead?hahaha.ANyways the pouch contained a japanese passport, handphone, address book and his working card.I wonder where can that guy go without his essentials.haha maybe be a vagabond.haha.ciaos!
Monday, March 20, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
12:53 AM
haha.due to ms goh huini asking me to update i shall.wahaha.Went shopping and praying with her today and we certainly had fun 'chatting'.hahaha.Next time must jio her out again.wahaha.Anyways work has been boring and that's why there's nth to blog abt and if u all want to read abt how i help ppl fill up form and get treated by the CC ppl because they strike lottery then i think u're seriously boring.hahaha.
Darlinks hasn't been happy for the past few weeks and i hope everything is fine between them though every gatherings and stuff that are said between them gets to me last.I guess its the norm la cos i was dam busy during my A level period and i sort of lost touch with them but i just hope everyone to be happy.Cheers Guys!
I realised i have a few shopping khakis man.hahahaha.act i think i can shop with everyone la.hahahaha.soccer match tmr hopefully i perform.:D
Saturday, March 18, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
12:33 AM
rarrrh!!!!!haix.I'm freaking pissed now la.argh!!!!!Being a captain sure has its responsibilities but not everything is decided by the capt wat.CAn't they farking decide for themselves?Is it so hard to open ur mouth and to talk.What's the use of being shy?Does it bring u anywhere?FARK FARK!
Sometimes having a sister around the house is pretty annoying esp when ur sister disobeys and even retorts u?What's their farking problem man.FArking shitheads!?THere are so many questions inside my head which needs some answering and i mean real answers not some bullshit or crappy answers.Like wat kelly said" I don't want the politically correct ans!!!"
haix.What's wrong with me man?I hate this feeling yet on the other hand it makes me even more determined to prove my critics wrong.You said u wuldn'y want to force ppl to do things that they do not like yet u're still looking at me as if i'm the cause of all these.WTF man.I do have a life of my own and i'm not obliged to stick to the same grp of ppl all the time wat.Perhaps i'm just "pmsing" perhaps not but i believe i've been keeping all these things inside of me for a very long time.i seriously hope that u all can grow out of ur shells and see the outer world.We are all 18+ alr and are coming to 19, dun you think its time to be more mature?anyways u guys will still be my greatest bunch of friends.
The above are all random ramblings and shld nt be taken to heart.I just needed a way to vent everything out.I hate the way my sister always climbs over me and i hate her snobbish look but if i have to, i'll do it.I promise myself that.
went running with kelly today and it was quite good.After that i ran all the way home from AMK to serangoon.hahaha.U might say i'm mad or even crazy when i tell u its under the blazing sun but i kinda enjoyed it.It provides a solution to the frustrations in my bloody mind.Life hasn't been good.A level results were not good, my own temper hasn't been good, mood hasn't been good, in short everything la.but i think i shld be alrite after all these.
I shall just escape to the comfort of my bed and my dreams and put on a facade.After all i've done it and i can do it again.OK that's it.Ramblings and ventings are done!Thanks for reading.=)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
1:37 AM

Friday, March 10, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.