9:12 PM

Me and JERRY!!!hahaha.

Sunday, January 29, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
8:49 PM
Happy Lunar New Year
Just for this day i've been slogging my ass off doing household chores and repainting the house and yet surprisingly i'm nt that excited abt going through this celebration other than getting angbaos and seeing the cousins whom i don't really talk to.Its pretty hard to communicate when u have 9 girls and only 3 guys in the entire family circle.And if you exclude myself, then that only leaves two.One a seccondary one, the other?A 22 year old who will entertain his girlfriend more.haha.So every family gathering i'll be sitting quietly alone and either fiddling with my handphone to make myself not seem out of sorts.haha.oh wells.
Mum's been a real pain in the ass this past week.Though i've been doing most of the housework she still nag's like there's no tomorrow.How irritating can it be when all you want is some sort of peace yet you get your mum bugging you to do this and do that yet we are powerless to do anything abt it cos as they put it, they are our elders and we should pay respect to them by not rebutting them.Like what deph said on her blog, when they vacuum and mop the house they will most prob leave out my room cos they'll think i'm a guy and i will clean it later.Yet when i do the job i'm supposed to do every inch of the house.Tell me how unfair life can be......
First day of CNY and i must say it went quite well, but i was pretty much exhausted when we were finally done with the visiting and stuff.Went to various temples to and my grandma's house and then came home.I slept for two whole hours without any disturbance!hahahahaha.Oh YA I'VE GOT AN IPAMPER!!!!!hahahaha.Its brand new!!!!my grandma gave it to us then i told my parents i want it in my room and there it goes.hahaha.Cool rite!!!haha.quick envy me!!!.Don't worry i'll share.According to my dad who says that my grandma gave us because my uncle bought alot of massaging stuff for her liao.And After today's visiting, I think they've got every osim product in their house la.hahaha.Damn farnie.
Looking at my dad's forlorn figure from afar really makes me think about his life and how unlucky he can be.haix.He lost his handphone last night and according to his story he said he took it out to check the time and put it back in his pocket and did not take out anymore.Yet his phone was gone when he reached home and his pocket has no holes in it.On the way back after searching, he was scolding himself jinx jinx jinx.It really makes me feel sorry for him and i dunno how is he goin to take it if for one reason or another some other thing crops up.haix.i must say he isn't really blessed and i hope it changes soon.haix.
On a lighter note, I'll show you all how cute my cousin is.hahaha.
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
6:55 PM
taking a walk down the boat quay/clark quay area really soothes one feeling.Especially when its at abt 530/6 plus and there's a small breeze. It really calms you down and opens up ur thinking.Anyways woke up today by a phone call from recruit express saying they got me a job at 6.50 an hour but its for only one day only.Doing admin stuff at some company called Swiss Reinsurance.haha.Its actually quite slack.You're paid to deliver letters up and down within the three offices.haha.And i get to exercise too.But too bad its only two days.THey extended by one more day on wed.I hope it continues.haha.
A long time since i've blogged.I guess i shld update alil bit more.haha.Usually we always say that by restraining oneself to nt think abt some problem, we are actually running away rather than finding a solution.But when running away helps you to hold on to that hope and nt let u fall into despair then i wuld think alot of us will choose to run away.That's the same with me too.I choose the more cowardly option.You guys may say that i have no guts and watsoeva but i dun care.At the moment i'm taking things as it come.so i'll still be the same old me.haha.
My california fitness gym membership has alr gone down the drain.I signed up that idiotic membership with that idiotic frank and i went for two weeks and i'm lazy.haha.wake up in the morning and travel all the way to bugis.Then sometimes a nice weather pops up.haha.Then i'll be even more stuck in bed.I'm goin broke!HELP!!!Somebody pls intro me a job!Till then I'll see when i'll update again.
Monday, January 23, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
12:23 AM
WTH LA!!! A BLOODY FREAKING BEE JUST FLOWN INTO MY ROOM!!!hahaha.at first i was using my laptop and siting at my table then i heard something fly into my room then when i looked up i saw that big fat ugly thing.I even thought it was a beetle at first la and wanted to kill it.then i noticed the yellow stripe and i got scared!hahhaa.so i stared at it for awhile before realising i had to arm myself with a weapon (tennis racquet)hahahaha.Then i wanted to kill it but then i realised that would be a huge mistake as his brothers will come for me!hahaha.then i tried to usher it out of the window but that stubborn old bee just refuses to go. SO afraid of getting stung, i called my mum for help and she's so clever la!hahhaa.she said to use the vacuum to suck and not to kill it as bees bring luck!hahahaha.this was the SECOND time i got into contact with a bee today la!!!the first was at taka's 7 eleven when i was filling up a big gulp then a small bee fly in.WTH la. Why me???hahahhaa.
Anyways went job hunting with dennis and say chong today and i think it was quite a success.Went to china one for the waiter job and i think it pays quite well.hahaha.then we also went to recruit express to get help but i dun think they will be of much help.hahaha.And i've completed my CNY shopping!hahahaha.RED packets woo!hahaha.
SCARy experience man.phew!hahaha.ok off to swim tmr!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
10:02 PM
woo!just finished spring cleaning my room!hahahaha.a NEW COAT OF SKY BLUE PAINT!hahahaha.then cleaned up everything.tables, cupboards, vacuum and mop the floor.hahaha.then after CNY my mum says to go get new cupboard new blinds new shelves and maybe somemore new things which i haven thought of yet.hahahaha.my room is lighter now!happier!haha.but before i chose this colour i even thought of a very DARK blue.hahahaha.so that when a thunderstorm comes it'll be even scarier and i kinda like that feeling.hahahaha.i'm weird.hahahaha.
anyways been busy the whole day and now finally i'm sitting half naked in front of the com typing all these out and i haven even bathed!hahahaha.ppl occupying the toilet.haix.alrites.i'm off to bathe!*yucks*
Sunday, January 15, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
11:12 AM
You you're everything i ever wanted to
Be when you're here with me i just wanna lose
Me in your love that rises to the sun
And says everything i never could think of
In silence we rise and we fall here for today then were gone
But you you'll always be my only real friend
I said you i know you'll always be there 'till the end
They may say i'm holding onto something from the past'
cause they know that nothing in this life will ever last
In silence we rise and we fall here for today then were gone
In the time that we take to look back
These days and these moments have passed
I've been running down the mountain side alone
I've been stuck out in the rain and in the cold
I've been going down lonely streets
I've been climbing up the mountain
'cause you you're everything i ever wanted to
Be when you're here with me i just wanna lose
In silence we rise and we fall here for today then were gone
In the time that we take to look back
These days and these moments have passed
Then we're gone
Sunday, January 08, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.