1:23 AM
Finally i have the time to update my blog.Woot!!! hahaha. Firstly, i did not have time to update as i was busying studying for my promos. argh! hate these end of yr exams. It always gives people uneccessary pressure and thus causing them to fall sick and have lack of sleep. Well guys if you are mugging and staying up very late, one piece of advice: Please drink more water! You have to keep your body hydrated and not let the heat get to you! haha. Aniways back to the recap. Hmmm nuthing much happened during the week except ppl studying more n more as promos are nearing. Have been feeling moody lately. Nobody seems to notice it except raj! HAHA. guess i manage to cover my feelings quite well huh? haha. Raj i just want to thank you for ur advices u gave me. it realli help la. not forgetting franky too! woot! In fact all my friends have been there for me whenever i needed them. There is always ppl like Raj, Shar, Theepan and many more to cheer up the class with their funny antics and jokes. haha. I guess that helped in my mood a little. Well Guys, THANK YOU!!! and i just want to add that JC life can be stressful but it can also be fun and enjoyable as one goes through the two years before going into adulthood! Look at it this way guys, Promos is just one step closer to adulthood. So instead of looking at the negative side where it brings us stress n stress n more stress, we should in fact look on the positive side! Perhaps this thinking would motivate us to get down to study! So always put a smile on your face and be happy! As quoted from sharmaine: "you noe when u get angry too often, you will die faster." So just SMILE everyone!!! and enjoy life to the fullest! Oh ya that gughan is realli getting on the class' nerves le. I seriously do not think that i did the right thing by voting him to be in Student Councillor cos by the way he is acting now i feel that i have done more harm than good too him. Yesterday ms teh passed a bottle of sodium hydroxide pellets ard the class and she specifically told us not to open the bottle yet when the bottle reached gughan, he had to open it! What is this man?!?!?! Doesn't he ever pay attention in class? Then afterwards his reaction was, "Sorry Ms Teh, i thought can smell it." Can you believe it? furthermore he always sleeps in lectures and tutorials and then when the teacher asks him why was he sleeping, he would say, " BUT I WASN"T SLEEPING!!!" haix. gughan i suggest u better start to wake up cos this attitude ain't gonna help you in your future! alrite that's all for today, gotta go get my long awaited sleep.haha. Cya peeps! oh and i MIGHT not blog until the promos are over. We shall see la!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
7:31 PM

Class 1t24!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
Franky Zao GENG!!!
2:21 PM
Haha. I think my title explains it le. hahaha. Yesterday after schhol, raj, franky, say chong and me when to Burger King to study and we realli did study man. haha. Three cheers to us! haha. BUT! before we got down to study, we all had to go into the toilet at the same time and the toilet was at the corner of the restaurant with one small cubicle. haha. Franky went inside and did his business. but that cheeky raj had other ideas up his sleeve. haha. He whipped out his camera phone and took a picture of franky peeing!!! haha. The picture was damn nice man as Franky's D**K was exposed!!! haha. when franky found out, he went berserk because raj was on the verge of sending it to other ppl le. haha. However franky still managed to delete it. haix. so wasted. What's the moral of the story? Dun EVER GO INTO A SMALL TOILET TO PEE! with raj around that is. heheee. Everyone in class is really studying hard le, no more fooling around although there is the occasional one or two clowns.haha. but on the overall, The class is starting to get down to work hard. Come On 1T24. We can do it!
Saturday, September 18, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
11:53 PM
Oh man, i'm feeling so guilty man. Yest was a good time to study but instead i went to play pool! What is this man?!?!?!?! Well Franky, Raj, Dennis, Say chong n i decided to go to toa payoh delifrance to study one but then after our lunch at macdonald's we cannot resist the temptation of playing pool. haha. Oh ya and while playing, dennis came up with the idea of the challenge and in the end it was won by RAJ!!!! haha. The challenge was for him to confess his love for petrina!!! OMG!!! RAJ I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU HAD A CRUSH ON PETRINA!!!. well done man. haha. YOu should have seen the look on petrina's face when you said that raj! haha. she was stunned!!! Aniwae it is abt one week before the start of the GP Promotional Paper. Everyone's getting down to study. Today's chinese lesson was probably the quietest of the year. haha. It goes to show how 1t24 doesn't like having chinese lesson. But today everyone just sat about doin their work. It was damn quiet. haha. Guess the pressure is getting to everyone. Well guys, One piece of advice, Don't get stressed out by studying too hard. sometimes go out for a run. It really helps you to concentrate better. Burn those fats off! haha. Oh ya, raj and edwin invented two new acronyms today. SOP AND SOS! haha. As raj says, for those who know pls keep it to urself. We do not want any trouble do we? haha. well i gotta get back to studying le. Cya guys!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
Come on Guys!
5:32 PM
Finally decided to blog le. haha. I was kinda lazy to blog for the past few days but then this blog thing is suddenly so hot. everybody is starting their own blog le. Anyways today was not a bad day. Everybody is suddenly paying attention in lectures and there was no more slping man. Promos is realli getting to everyone especially me. argh! I mean i'm kinda scared now la cos my revision is just slow moving. HELP!!! Yesterday's pe was super fun man. For the boys, we are supposed to climb up this pole and then try to stand on it. At first raj tried then everybody was like so tense. Suddenly Issac Lim said can climb using the pole. Then Dennis shot up like nobody's business like that. This guy can realli climb man. He was up there in less thatn five minutes! Can u believe this guy???? haha. Well i succeeded at the third try and i must say it was a wonderful feeling to have conquered the bar! haha. Then afterwards Mr lim said that he had another challenge for us which is to get onto the wall without any hands. He told us that onli four guys are able to do that but after many tries, Dennis, Franky and Hero managed to get up. T24 rocks man! First time three guys from the same class are able to do it. well done guys! *claps claps* haha.
Promos are in a month's time so t24 and everbody reading this, let's work hard and achieve our goals. Start now. it is never too late. alrite. I'm gonna start studying. cya!
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
Haix. Getting WORRIED!!!
11:22 AM
Oh man! Promos are nearing and yet i dun seem prepared. I have barely started my physics revision!!!! Oh God, pls help me pass this promos. Even Raj is prepared. I seriously must up my tempo le. Just take a look when you're at macdonalds or the library. You can almost see every corner of the place is occupied by a student studying. It is as if that everyone has turned into a bookworm.For those who have not started on their revision yet, i advise you to start now because seriously, dun leave things to the last min. Start NOW!!!! aniwae all the best to those taking exams around october. Slog now then u can enjoy later. ok? Cya!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
You took my heart away...
5:34 PM
What have i done? Why am i behaving like that? Haix. Stupid me. You all maybe wondering what happened to me rite? well i want to tell you guys everything is alrite. Life your life to the fullest and always rem that your loved ones are here with you on this planet called earth. Love them peeps! heehee. Sometimes i cry, sometimes i bleed, but none of this is painful except for one thing. The thing i did to hurt my loved ones. I'm Sorry. This maybe a frequent phrase but i sincerely meant it. =( Dun feel sorry, feel loved! This world loves you!!! I did my chem revision today and i must say it is realli effective although most of the time my progress is hindered by the niggling headache i've been having all morning. This sucks big time!!! When will i ever get well? I seriously hope it'll be soon cos i'm sort of neglecting things. Haix. Well guys i'll leave you here with the lyrics of You took My Heart Away by Michael Learns To Rock. It is a nice and meaningful song. Enjoy it! I Love You!
Staring at the moon so blue,
Turning all my thoughts to you,
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream
But you...Saw me through
Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
You take my hand to guide me home
And now...I'm in love
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
Living in a world so cold (living in a world so cold)
You are there to warm my soul (you are there to warm my soul)
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start
And now...I'm in love
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here where we stand
We'll never be alone
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning
You become the meaning of my life
Saturday, September 11, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
11:03 PM
ARGH!!!!! This irritating illness is getting on my nerves. When is it ever gonna end? My cough doesn't seem to get any better wherelse my nose is literally like a running tap le. Help ME!!!! hahaha. well today i did started on my chemistry revision!!!! WOOT!!! hahaha. i'm determined not to get n F for chem again lorh. Ms teh watch out cos here i come!!! WAHAHAHAHA. 1t24 must jiayou wor. everybody is starting to mug le and that's a good sign cos we must show the teachers what we are capable of. Everyone must get promoted ok? Work hard now and then can play play play!!! After Oct 11 we all can go mad le!!! Woot! Those who want to go clubbing can club all night without any worries le. wahahaha. aniwae tmr got math lesson. haix. wonder how i would do for my math test? well guys good luck to all Jc lads for ur promos! Do well and enjoy later. Gonna rest le. the medicine is making me drowsy. heehee. Cya!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
10:11 PM
The feeling of being sick is not a good one. argh!!! Why am i sick at this point of time? Been coughing and feeling feverish since this morning. i think is because i never drink enough water bah. So idiotic lorh. haix. Then no mood to do revision cos not feeling too good. haix. But i did my math revision today!!!! Come on man t24!!! Let's show the teachers our capabilities! jiayou!!! i think i shall go and rest le!!! haix. hope tmr will be a better day. I dun want to get sick!!!. ok. cya peeps Must wish me well ok?? :P
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
The Wonders of Life!
11:10 PM
Have you ever wondered what the wonders of life are? To be happy or to be sad? To love or be loved? To get nagged or left alone? How many of you actualli do give your parents a hug everytime u see them? After all they were the ones who brought us out into this world and then shower us with loads of love n concern. Be happy guys! To me, being happy is something that no one can take away from you.So guys rem to put a smile onto everyone's faces when you're out on the streets.DO A GOOD DEED TODAY!!!.hahaha. Had math lecture in the morning and thought it was quite useful. cos i manage to clear some niggling doubts in my mind.PROMOS IS NEARING!!!! argh!!!! haix. Aniwae enuff of school for now. Why doesn't my mum accept the fact that i have a girlfriend??? What's wrong with having one when i can manage both? She thinks she noes wat is best for me??? I'm telling you u're damn wrong!!!!Stop telling me to concentrate on my studies so that i can prove to others that my family is able to do it without help! I had enuff of it le!!!! GET LOST!!! argh! I dun see you doin what u do to me when sis got a bf??? what is this? biasness???? It is FUCKING unfair man! Gotta go stardee le. cya!
Monday, September 06, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
11:18 PM
wah i never blog for sometime le. haha. lazy la. haha. well today did not do much except to finish my curve sketching 2. yest cip was not so bad. first time yun xiang came to do cip with us. haha. looks like he bonding with the class le. well done! aniwae it was oso the first time where i worked so hard to collect money. in the end i'm so proud of myself. my can was like 3/4 filled with notes!!! can u believe that!!! haha. then after that went to pool with the boys before heading off to my sec school open house.wah. my pool skills becoming lousier le. argh!!!!
NO!!!!!hahaha. i go back cvss get dunked. then at the end of the open house was feeling a bit feverish cos got dunked a couple of times. haha. but it was fun la. we got to dunked my PRINCIPAL!!! haha. she was so sporting to get dunked for $200. everybody contributed just to see her get dunked!.haha. when she was there, the whole school came to witness that special moment but then after that the crowd disperse until like got wildfire like that. haha. then went to have dinner with delvin, huini, kaiwei, yikying, nicholas, kenji, huaymin, daniel n qinghui at dhoby gaut.then hor they like waste my time lorh. they can actualli stand outside the toilet n talk when we haven even eat our meals!!! so pissing man. haix. in the end go kopitiam eat. at least got food to fill my stomach la. haha. was damn famished lorh. i finished my dinner in five mins lorh. haha. eat like hungry pig like that. haix. promos is coming le. t24 must do well wor!!! show all those teachers that we're a smart class n we can do it!!!! jiayou!!!
Sunday, September 05, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.
Poor MY
11:04 PM
hahaa. long time never blog le. well the two mock papers are over le haha. can u believe it?? haha. today was gp paper n yet yest i studied phy. haha. so wierd. chinese was ok la but then gp hor, i think my essay flunked le.haha. the compre was quite good la.can handle. when i look at the 12 questions for the essay, my mind was a total blank. in the end i chose a topic on success. haha. no ideas lorh just think of slping.haha. in the end i 'pia' until cannot le then sleep at 9.20am.haha. after the gp went to do pw but instead we just say wat go home n do then dennis, weixiang n i play meiying until she cannot tahan le.haha. after that i went back to my sec school to do preparations for tmr's open house. actualli wanted to study there one but then went to computer lab and play the playstations, gamecube, and fun man. in the end did onli abt two qns of my curve sketching.argh!!!! i very tired le. want to slep. tmr still got to do cip. haix. surely go somewhere n slack again
haha.cya peeps!
Friday, September 03, 2004
We can work things out.
We can work things out.