5:57 PM
If you have been reading my blog you would have notice that its become of a dark piece of artwork? and not only that, my last post was like how looooooong ago! that's why i'm back here to update and bring you the chronicles of the life of Stanwin Siow.
Went to phuture last week with jus, ben, jo, ant and angela to celebrate just's 20th birthday and it was kick ass fun man. We ran into SH's grp there and it doubled the fun. haha. In short we just had fun fun fun. Ben was there to just drink and drink while ant was there to just be on the dancefloor for a while before hitting his car. haha. anyhows here's wishing JUSTINA a wonderful belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. =) *thought that counts*
The week went by with me going outfield and suffering less slp than i can imagine. Loads happened right from the start. Guns broke down halfway along the road, vehicles broke down and the story continues. haha. i was deployed to go and recover the trainee's fieldpacks at about 1 plus but i had to wait for the other vehicle to come back to camp at abt 430am!!! so In the meantime tried to get some sleep but to no avail! FREAKING 2 hours of rest only can. hahaha. My team was dying! I came back while settling the stores i fell aslp la. hahaha. like anywhere also can fall asleep. Just shows the amount of slp i lack.
Went to MOS last night. Music was so so but company was fun!haha. I think i need to cut down and focus my energy elsewhere? hahaha. but thanks for the company- caiwen and her friends.
next clubbing goal? ST JAMES powerhouse. but its so far out of the way. Makes us have loads of inertia in goin there. See how la. -outs-
Saturday, June 09, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.