3:22 PM

Okay! these photos are long overdue as you can see. that's because i've been too lazy to do anything about my blog until recently which i suddenly found a magnificent ounce of energy to overcome the inertia to do anything. hahaha. so i decided to look through my albums and fish out these pictures and do them a picasa style so yep there you go.
Charlize brought me to MOS last night and i think it was a wonderful night minus the stinky, smoky, no room atmosphere which basically covers everything there is. haha. Met up with Darren and eugene ( the two cocksters according to charlize) hahaha. but on the whole it was good. company was good, drinks were not bad, food was so so. so yea i would say my night was quite fulfilling. haha.seriously guys i did enjoy myself. SO MS CHARLIZE THANK YOU! =)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
We can work things out.
We can work things out.