3:19 PM

I met up with Jo and Yikying yest for prata at Jalan kayu and it was a well worth wait!haha. We had great times chatting and catching up esp with yikying because she just came back from shanghai! she's getting old.=p hahaha. Sometimes it just takes that little bit of effort to make someone happy and u'll never know what wonders that might do. Think about it for a moment, there are many ppl out there who would jump for joy just at the sight of a t-shirt which we just put it over our body day in day out without realising the importance of it. No moment is ordinary do cherish what you have now for if you do not there's a possibility of regret later on. just some food for thought. Meanwhile i'm goin to upload more photos! haha. This time pictures of me getting my blue beret after a tough 10 weeks of training.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
We can work things out.
We can work things out.