8:35 PM
Time for an update!!! hahaha. Hmmm nth much happened during the week except for tests and a bill of $10 for me!!!! hahaha. These are the ppl who had kicked the ball at the fan before and nth happened: Franky, Edwin, Saychong, Dennis. Yet when i kicked the ball on friday it bounced up the table and hit the fan then the ball went towards the window panel and then a loud crash was heard! ARGH!!!!! u tell me how unlucky can i get. As a result, one of the blades of the fan is dangerously crooked. Hee. In the end i had to pay $10. Sigh.
The weather is seriously damn hot also and it makes ppl have no mood to do anything. Some even get pissed just because of the weather. I think it must have been one of Singapore's most humid and hot spells. Dam the weather. haha. Tests are coming in week in week out and the worst part is having ur teacher suspect that u cheat when u actually work hard for it n score high grades. Sigh but wat to do? These are all part and parcel of growing up and we shld always take it in the most positive way! haha.
Over the past week, ppl have been getting angry and agitated. Perhaps its the weather or perhaps its something else. But whatever it is just take it easy cos stressing oneself over a matter which is making u angry is not worth it. Problems are always around us and we should just try to conquer them one by one even though it might seem that they are bombarding us all at once. These problems can be solved with the right spirit and mind. So be positive guys!
I'll leave u all with a quote "Satisfaction lies in the effort not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory!"
Sunday, May 01, 2005
We can work things out.
We can work things out.